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Terminal's vetted, elite global talent pool helps you hire React Native developers 35% faster than traditional recruiting. Get instant access to elite React Native engineers, as we only accept the top 7% of developers.

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Why Hire React Native Developers With Terminal

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Hire React Native Developers Now

Guide to Hiring React Native Developers

  • What is React Native, and how is it used?
  • Why is React Native popular, and how will it benefit your business?
  • Roles and responsibilities of a React Native developer
  • What skills should a React Native developer have?

What is React Native, and how is it used?

Meta, the tech unicorn founded by Mark Zuckerberg, has had many hits and misses since its inception. And while the company’s massive success with innovations like Facebook and wild attempts at promoting an alternate virtual universe seem to be grabbing most of the headlines, one of its most significant contributions to the tech industry often goes unnoticed.

In 2015, Meta, then known as Facebook, released React Native, an open-source framework for building native-rendered, cross-platform mobile applications. This framework, seen as a breath of fresh air, came when the React JavaScript library was already gaining massive traction among developers globally.

Now, many companies choose to hire React Native developers to build their apps because of the framework's ability to save time and resources without compromising on performance and quality. A few decades ago, the thought of creating the same mobile app on different operating systems was a scary proposition, even for businesses with sizeable coffers. React Native, however, has resolved this challenge by enabling developers to use the same codebase for mobile development on iOS and Android.

Why is React Native popular, and how will it benefit your business?

Think about Meta, Instagram, Uber, Bloomberg, Airbnb, and Skype and ask yourself, “What do these companies have in common?” If you mention their billion-dollar valuations and market dominance, you’d be absolutely right. However, if you look even closer, you’ll see that all these businesses also hire React Native developers and use this framework as part of their technology stack.

React Native is coded mainly in JavaScript, which has maintained its spot as the most used programming language for eleven years. There’s no doubt that this framework is a popular choice. But why is it an excellent choice for your company?

  • Compatible with Android and iOS: The unending contest between the two most famous mobile device operating systems will most likely drag on for an eternity. Unfortunately, companies looking to develop mobile applications are left to bear the brunt of this arm-wrestling contest between the iOS and Android operating systems.

    Before the dawn of React Native, you would usually need to find skilled Java or Kotlin programmers to build your mobile app for Android and hire a separate team of Swift developers to create the iOS version of the same product. If it sounds like a lot of work, well, that’s because it is.

    The lack of cross-compatible frameworks for building mobile-friendly products has been a significant challenge for many startups. Many of these businesses have had to endure an over-bloated software team and spend huge sums on salaries for Android and iOS developers.

    Thankfully, React Native solves this problem by allowing you to build mobile apps that can run on both operating systems with the same code base. Now, you can hire React Native developers and save your company time, resources, and effort.
  • Large Developer Community: Few technologies can amass a whopping 113k stars on GitHub and 1.3 million weekly downloads on the Node Package Manager (npm). However, React Native’s large following is a testament to its credibility as a top-notch framework for building mobile-friendly applications.

    Companies looking to hire a React Native developer will be spoiled for choice, as the framework has one of the fastest-growing communities in the tech space. This is terrific news for you because it means you will have no problems building your React Native team or replacing members of your existing workforce.

    Also, should your developers need support, they’d have an entire army of nerds to call upon. And we’re sure you’d appreciate any additional help that can improve the quality of your product and shorten your time to market.
  • Easy to Understand: Most frameworks, especially for mobile app development, have a very steep learning curve. Even the most astute minds with genius-level IQs will still require time to master the fundamentals and translate this knowledge to practical software solutions.

    React Native, however, is much easier to understand than its counterparts. Obviously, it’s not a walk in the park, or you’d not need to hire React Native developers and pay them a hefty salary. But, we’re sure that most would agree that the fact that this framework is built on the JavaScript programming language makes it much simpler to grasp.

    Despite what side you’ve chosen to pitch your tent in the ongoing JavaScript debates, it would be difficult to argue against the language’s popularity. So, unlike other frameworks, React Native developers already have a head start.

    Does this matter to your company? It absolutely does. Less complex languages promote a smoother workflow. New hires can get up to speed much quicker, and it is much easier for your junior developers to communicate with their senior colleagues. Overall, React Native’s simplicity will do wonders for your business’s productivity.
  • Mimicks Native Apps: One of the biggest reasons you should hire dedicated React Native developers is that the framework offers support for Native components. If you have doubts about JavaScript’s ability to square up with native languages such as Java and Swift, you can rest easy.

    You won’t have many reasons to miss any of the popular languages for Android and iOS development because React Native can be used to create stellar interfaces with a native look and feel. But that’s not all. Apps built with this framework don’t just look great; they also carry their weight in performance.

    Provided you hire React Native engineers who know their onions, your product should offer a top-notch user experience with excellent navigation and minimal lag time. Finally, React Native’s ability to interact with iOS and Android code means that, in addition to new apps, your company can also develop extensions for existing apps.
  • Abundance of Third-Party Resources: As more and more programmers begin to use React Native to build applications, we’ve witnessed an increased proliferation of third-party resources and tools. One thing is sure: if you hire React Native developers, they will have an abundance of well-known component libraries for this framework, such as UI Kitten, NativeBase, Shoutem UI, and Nachos UI.

    These resources are an added boost for your software team’s productivity as they can provide added functionality to your hybrid application. Furthermore, they offer reusable tools that can save your team a lot of person-hours.
  • Incorporates a Modular Architecture: In web or mobile app development, software architecture is fundamental, especially if you factor in scalability concerns. Fortunately, with React Native, you can build apps that retain their performance as the scope of your product continues to expand.

    This framework allows developers to implement a modular architecture format. So, rather than merging all your app's code, your software development team can segregate code blocks based on their functionality.

    The impact of adopting such a structure is far-reaching. Separating code blocks into modules will allow programmers to work on separate segments of your app without the risk of breaking all the code. Also, pushing updates becomes much simpler since you can modify and test code blocks in isolation.

    We could go off on a tangent if we attempt to list every benefit of this singular feature. But in a nutshell, React Native’s support for a modular architecture will enable your team to work independently and implement changes in the fastest possible time.
  • Excellent Performance: When all is said and done, it won’t matter how fast you can roll out your product or how stunning your app's UI looks if it’s slow and laggy. Many companies hire React Native developers because the framework ranks highly for performance.

    If you want to build a mobile app that offers an excellent user experience, React Native is definitely a great pick. Apps built with this technology are efficient in memory use, UI responsiveness, and scrolling performance. When you also consider that programmers can use asynchronous JavaScript interactions within your app’s native environment, React Native is perfectly optimized for faster load times.

Roles and responsibilities of a React Native developer

One of the biggest challenges of hiring for tech roles is that job descriptions can be extensive and sometimes intersect. Defining the specific duties of each member of your software team is critical if your company wishes to have a focused approach and seamless workflow. So, what should you expect when you hire dedicated React Native developers?

  • Develop Cross-compatible UIs: Companies hire React Native developers to enable them to create attractive user interfaces for their mobile applications. Usually, these programmers will work with your UI/UX designers and convert wireframes and prototypes into UI components with popular component libraries, such as NativeBase, Shoutem UI, and React Native Paper.
  • Convert React Web Apps to Mobile Apps: If you already have a fully functioning web application built with the React library, you can hire React Native developers to translate your product to mobile.

    This process of migration can be complex and time-consuming. Your developers must decide whether to rebuild the entire application from scratch in the fastest possible time or adopt a slower, more-calculated approach.

    Regardless of how they decide to manage this transition, it is their overall responsibility to ensure that they deliver a fully performant cross-platform mobile application without losing the core functionalities and styling of the initial web product.
  • Debugging of Software: Even the most well-built application will still need the occasional debug every once in a while. So, you must have React developers handy for when you need to identify and fix a problem with your application quickly. Typically, your software team will work with React Developer Tools, React Native CLI, Chrome DevTools, Redux DevTools, and other resources to resolve bugs and deliver optimal performance.
  • Routine Maintenance, Upgrades, and Software Testing: In building a high-performance mobile app, the buck ultimately stops at your developer’s table. When you hire React Native engineers, they will create automated tests in the pre-launch phase to ensure your app works as expected. Often, they will use the Jest testing framework to conduct unit tests and modify any components that fail to meet your user experience standards.

    However, you don’t just need React Native developers for hire only during the pre-launch phase. After your product has been released to the market, you will also need programmers to help push software updates and carry out routine maintenance tasks to ensure that your app continues to dazzle users.
  • Enhancing Functionality by Leveraging APIs: Whether they are creating APIs or integrating Native and Third-party APIs, React Native developers constantly work with APIs to provide optimal functionality and enhance loading speeds. In many instances, they will use popular JS libraries such as Redux to fetch data that will be rendered on the client-facing side of your mobile application.

What skills should a React Native developer have?

If you were to put out a job posting for a React Native developer role, you’d most likely receive thousands of applications within the first few weeks. But we’re sure you’d agree that although finding applicants is easy, identifying the right talent to take your company forward is usually the most challenging part of recruitment.

We’ve already established the limitless possibilities of the React Native framework. However, even the best tools will be ineffective in the wrong hands. Here are some skills to consider when evaluating React Native developers for hire.

  • Problem Solving: Technical skills are precious for professionals in tech-related roles. However, one of the best traits a top React Native developer for hire should possess is the ability to convert programming concepts into practical solutions. Employees who can adopt an innovative approach to challenges and proffer creative solutions will always be an invaluable asset to any startup.
  • Strong Knowledge of JavaScript: We’ve mentioned that React Native is primarily coded in the JavaScript programming language. So, you must hire React Native developers who can demonstrate competence in writing JavaScript code. Your software engineer should thoroughly understand the fundamentals of the language as well as the ES6 syntax.
  • Familiarity with Native Build Tools: As they continue to create mobile applications, React Native developers will need to work with various tools and use multiple IDEs. An excellent React Native developer for hire must be well-versed in the workings of native build tools such as XCode and Android Studio.
  • Ability to Conduct Software Tests: All mobile apps must pass a software test before they are certified to be ready for launch. When you hire a React Native developer, they often perform unit or integration tests on various UI components to determine their functionality. This means that they must be capable of working with testing frameworks such as Jest, Mocha, and Enzyme.
  • Communication: Excellent communication skills can either cost you or save you a lot of person-hours. Although most programmers would prefer to sit at their screens all day, they would also need to write documentation, make presentations to critical stakeholders, and collaborate with other members of your development team. The ability to articulate ideas clearly is a significant advantage for a React Native developer.

For more FAQs on hiring React Native developers, visit our FAQs page

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