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Why Hire Angular Developers With Terminal

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Hire Angular Developers Now

Guide to Hiring Angular Developers

  • What is Angular, and how is it used?
  • Why is Angular popular, and how will it benefit your business?
  • Roles and responsibilities of an Angular developer
  • What skills should an Angular developer have?

What is Angular, and how is it used?

If you were to find someone to design the front end of your website in 1995, they’d have three simple tools to work with: HTML, Basic CSS, and a new scripting language that was just renamed JavaScript. They’d also have to endure the pain of watching their beautifully designed app look stellar on Internet Explorer 3.0 and lousy on Netscape Navigator. Fortunately, these days, there’s a lot less drama when working with client-side technologies since you can now hire Angular developers to build your company’s app.

Angular is a front-end framework that is built on TypeScript. According to the StackOverflow Developer Survey of 2023, 17.46% of programmers use this technology. Angular offers a component-based framework and a ton of libraries such as Nebular, Core UI, and Clarity that can be used for functions like form management and routing. With this framework, developers can build Progressive Web Apps, Single Page Apps, and Enterprise Web Apps with a sleek user interface that keeps customers hooked.

Why is Angular popular, and how will it benefit your business?

Angular has come a long way since its rebirth in 2016 as the successor to AngularJS, a lofty side-project of Misko Hervey, a developer at Google. At the moment, the framework is the fifth most popular web technology among developers. And for good reason, too. Angular is an excellent cross-platform framework for building top-notch user interfaces and large front-end applications.

How could a framework just seven years old have gained so much traction and become a core part of the technology stack for industry behemoths such as PayPal, Google, and Upwork? More than anything else, it’s a testament to Angular’s ability to innovate and evolve with the times. You’d most certainly be hard-pressed to find many frameworks that have undergone so many significant modifications since their initial release.

When you consider Angular’s two-way binding, modular structure, and simplified MVC architecture, it's no surprise that top companies are leaning toward this framework. Over the years, Angular has become the popular frontend technology for building complex single web page applications. And if today’s business landscape is anything to go by, it is definitely going to stick around for a very long time.

  • Security: What’s the difference between a modern, thriving business with an ever-increasing bottom line and a has-been trying to stay afloat? Among many other things, trust is one of the most vital factors.

    There were 422 million+ cyber data violations in the US alone in 2022. A frightening statistic, we’re sure you’d agree. However, Angular can provide you with the tools to build a highly secure web application to save your company from the occasional newspaper scandal and improve customer retention.

    If you have doubts about why your startup should hire Angular developers, a glance at the framework’s cybersecurity capabilities should be enough to convince you. Angular has special built-in libraries and functions, such as HTTP Client, Router, and Validators, to safeguard your application from Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) and scripting (XSS) attacks.

    These tools can help engineers use anti-CRSR tokens in requests, enable server-side authentication when making requests to backend APIs, and validate user inputs. So, if you didn’t want to hire dedicated Angular developers because of your sheer admiration for the framework, think of the millions you could save in potential lawsuits.
  • Lots of Publicly Available Resources: It takes a village to build excellent software, and in a competitive market that takes no prisoners, you’ll need as big a community as you can get. Fortunately, when you hire an Angular developer, you can access their expertise and a knowledge base of thousands of programmers.

    Angular has 90.3k stars on GitHub with over 1,766 contributors. This framework has an abundance of component libraries that provide pre-designed UI components, including buttons, navigation menus, and forms. So, your frontend team can just integrate these packages and edit them to meet the company’s requirements.

    There are countless components that other community members have provided to help speed up your development time, such as Angular Material, NG Bootstrap, PrimeNG, and Core UI. These resources enable your team to quickly build world-class products by incorporating functionalities like image processing, email handling, and payment gateway integration.
  • Two-way Data Binding: For most frontend frameworks that run on the MVC architecture, changes made in the view don’t automatically reflect in the model component. However, Angular has never been one for unnecessary software bureaucracy.

    This framework saves developers a world of trouble by binding the HTML element to the model variables and updating data in the model instantly when changes are made in the view and vice versa. When you hire Angular developers to build your startup or company’s software, they won’t need to bother with state management of variables and model-view synchronization.
  • Declarative UI: With Angular, developers can design the outlook of a web application using HTML instead of JavaScript. One of the benefits of the declarative programming paradigm is that all your developers need to do is clearly state what they want done and let Angular worry about the how.

    Angular’s declarative nature is enabled by ng-bing, ng-class, ng-controller, and other directives. Sure, Angular reduces the level of control that developers have, but this also means that your apps are less likely to develop errors down the line.
  • Uses a Modular Structure: Reusability is a big deal, and Angular is designed so that your app’s code is organized into various buckets or modules. Angular’s modular structure means it's much easier for developers to make changes to code or incorporate new functionalities as needed.

    If you’re building a complex application, you’ll need to do more than hire an Angular developer. You’ll probably need a whole bunch of them. Fortunately, this framework optimizes productivity and allows easy distribution of tasks. Members of your development team can work on different modules simultaneously to hasten the product’s launch time.
  • Supports TypeScript: We’re not going to weigh in on the JavaScript vs. TypeScript debates that are raging in the developer community. Instead, we’ll tell you why the Angular-TypeScript partnership is very popular among engineers seeking to increase their productivity.

    First of all, TypeScript compiles code down to ES2015 and supports async/await and other ES2016 features. It also provides a broad range of options and allows developers to use functional programming techniques. But the real clincher is that using TypeScript to create Angular applications helps developers catch errors early.
  • Cross-platform Framework: Most people are only aware of Angular as a framework for building fancy, interactive UIs. However, it’s a lot more than that. Aside from developing front-end applications, Angular can also be used to create cross-platform solutions. You can hire Angular developers to integrate NativeScript UI components and build progressive web apps (PWAs) that seem like native apps.
  • Simplified MVC Architecture: The MVC framework is already straightforward enough. However, Angular takes it one step further. When you hire dedicated Angular developers to build your app, they will not have to worry about writing code to link the model, view, and controller components.

    All they need to do is create each code section, and Angular handles the rest. We’re sure you and your employees would appreciate the ease that comes with lighter apps and less code. Who wouldn’t?
  • Faster Unit Testing: Testing Angular apps is easy with the Angular Command Line Interface (CLI) or other tools such as Karma, Jasmine, or Protractor. Because Angular operates a modular structure where components run independently, you can hire Angular developers to carry out unit testing quickly.

    The simplicity of the testing process means that your company can save much time and money and roll out its products to market faster than the competition.

Roles and responsibilities of an Angular developer

It might interest you to know that, according to Glassdoor, the average annual salary for an Angular developer is $88,493. If you’re going to be spending that much money to employ someone to sit at a desk and chirp at their laptops all day, it certainly has to be worth it.

Each member of your software team has a unique role, and it's essential to have a well-defined structure to promote faster development. So, why do companies hire Angular developers, and what does their typical job description look like?

  • Build Excellent Frontend Applications: The first reason any company would hire an Angular developer is to build the client-side components for their web application. It’s an Angular engineer’s responsibility to examine the needs of your startup or business and identify all the building blocks required to create a high-performance solution.

    Doing this involves selecting the right in-built and third-party libraries, ensuring adherence to best practice principles, incorporating external APIs, and implementing security features.
  • Maintenance of Software and Debugging of Errors: Angular developers are basically superheroes who get paid an above-median salary to use their unreasonably high IQs and critical thinking powers to eliminate bugs wherever they’re spotted. On paper, the dream is to have a bug-free application. But we all know that such a thing is practically unheard of in the world of software development, especially if you’re building a complex product.

    So, instead of wishing on a pipe dream, you can do the next best thing - hire dedicated Angular developers to hunt down and eviscerate these bottlenecks before you start to lose clients.

    Your frontend engineers will use the Angular DevTools browser extension to debug and profile applications. With DevTools, they will be able to view component states and measure individual component performances to improve the user experience of your software.
  • Integration of New Features: You’ll still need Angular developers for hire even when you don’t have a specific software problem. Staying on top of your game as a company means that you’ll sometimes have to fix things that aren’t broken.

    To continue improving the user experience for your users, your client-side engineers will need to work in tandem with other members of your programming team to create and incorporate new features without losing any functionality. It sure sounds like a tall order, but that’s why you’re paying the big bucks to get the best hands on the market.
  • Collaboration with Backend Engineers: There are two sides to your application - the front end and back end. These parts need to be well integrated for you to have a software product or service that meets your client’s expectations. To achieve this, you’ll need to hire dedicated Angular developers who will work together with the team designing the server-side application.
  • Conducting Unit Testing: When they are not building UIs, integrating external libraries or APIs, or incorporating new features, Angular developers often conduct Unit tests to ascertain if their code performs as designed. These tests are a vital part of the product development cycle and a significant reason companies hire dedicated Angular developers.

What skills should an Angular developer have?

Ultimately, it doesn’t matter what your company’s vision is or how great its product ideas are. Your application will only match the expertise level of those who designed it. Our attention spans are currently shorter than that of Goldfish, so you can be pretty sure that no one would stop to look at a subpar app twice.

You need the best of the best to avoid falling behind in the pecking order. Knowing the right skills to look out for is critical if you wish to hire an Angular developer.

  • Solid Grasp of Angular Fundamentals and Critical Tools: While we can all agree that no one can know everything about a framework or language. There are basic concepts that Angular developers for hire are expected to know and tools that they must be familiar with.

    Your potential employees should have an adequate understanding of how to build with the MVC architecture. They must also be able to use the Angular Command Line Interface and the RxJS library for observables.
  • Proficiency with Version Control Tools: Most software development roles have version control skills as a primary requirement, and Angular jobs are no different. You must hire an Angular developer who can maintain and manage the various versions of your code using Git, Mercurial, Apache Subversion, or any other version control tool your company uses.
  • ritical Thinking: Critical thinking is more than some buzzword developers need to write to optimize their CVs for Applicant Tracking Systems. It’s a vital skill that could save you lots of time and money. Knowing the Angular framework is just the first step; the real clincher is understanding how to use its tools to create valuable solutions that benefit a company.
  • Capacity to Perform Software Testing: Unit testing is one of the last hurdles your app must cross to be certified. Before you hire Angular engineers, it’s critical to ensure they can use Karma, Jasmine, or other testing tools to conduct unit and end-to-end tests.
  • Basic Knowledge of Frontend Concepts: Angular developers typically work on the front end of your company’s application. This means they need at least a basic understanding of CSS design principles and HTML. Also, although JavaScript is not as heavily relied on in today’s versions of Angular, it is still vital that developers possess this skill.
  • Understanding of TypeScript: Angular is built on TypeScript. So, it goes without saying that before you hire an Angular developer, they must be able to demonstrate sufficient knowledge of this programming language. Most of the code your frontend team will write in this framework will require a deep understanding of TypeScript’s advanced functions and syntax.

For more FAQs on hiring Angular developers, visit our FAQs page

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