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Guide to Hiring Laravel Developers

  • What is Laravel, and how is it used?
  • Why is Laravel popular, and how will it benefit your business?
  • Roles and Responsibilities of a Laravel Developer
  • What skills should a Laravel developer have?

What is Laravel, and how is it used?

Laravel is a popular open-source framework that is used by some of the largest global companies like Pfizer, BBC, and Liberty Mutual Insurance. So, it’s capable of handling a wide array of tasks. Startups who hire Laravel developers to create their web applications do so because of its neat syntax, security measures, and excellent functionality.

Laravel isn’t just some science experiment by a reclusive math professor. This framework simplifies the entire process of designing server-side applications and makes it easy for companies to incorporate commonly used functionalities such as validation, authentication, and authorization in minutes. It also provides straightforward integration with MySQL, SQLite, and other databases.

With over 76.4K stars on GitHub, Laravel has become popular among engineers. Deciding to hire a Laravel developer to build your business software may just be the difference between a modern, fast, and scalable web-based solution and a landing page on Internet Explorer.

Why is Laravel popular, and how will it benefit your business?

You’ve probably heard of other PHP frameworks for creating backend applications, like Symfony, Yii, and CodeIgniter. So, why is Laravel such a big deal, and why should you allocate a significant budget to hire dedicated Laravel developers?

Well, aside from the undeniable charm of the name “Laravel,” most companies hire Laravel developers because the framework allows them to scale their products without any added complexities. Using Laravel gives you an edge over your competitors for several reasons. We list some of them below.

  • Large Developer Community: Laravel has a relatively large and very supportive developer community. There’s no better feeling than knowing that you can always find someone to fix a bug in your software or assemble a world-class team to deliver on a project.

    Furthermore, because it is an open-source framework, Laravel is constantly evolving to meet the growing demands of modern businesses.
  • Highly Secure: Privacy is one of the biggest concerns of the 21st century, and Laravel is at the top of the pack when it comes to data security. It has an inbuilt CRSF plug-in to protect applications from third-party hacks. It also uses Bcrypt and Argon2 hashing to store user passwords, reducing the risk of malicious attacks by brute-force applications.

    Additionally, the framework’s encryption with AES-256 and AES-128 means that values cannot be changed once encrypted. In simpler terms, Laravel is one of the most secure options available for building web applications.
  • Easy to Scale: As your business expands and your client base increases, scalability issues will quickly become a significant concern. It’s one thing to be able to handle thousands of requests daily. But what happens when you begin to have a million users or more?

    Your technology stack should make it easy to handle an enormous workload with little or no downtime, and Laravel does just that. With serverless deployment platforms like Laravel Vapor, you need not worry about scaling challenges. Vapor allows you to run your applications using the AWS infrastructure without needing to understand the intricacies of its operation.

    This means that you can easily handle millions of requests each day. It also saves you money by eliminating the need to constantly monitor servers or spend thousands of dollars on DevOps assistance. Show us a better deal; we’ll wait.
  • Employs MVC Architecture: The MVC architecture allows developers to separate their applications into three distinct sections. The model handles client data, the view renders what your customers see, and the controller receives input from users and provides the model with the required data.

    Why does this matter? Laravel’s support for the MVC architecture and its separation of concerns helps you build highly efficient applications. Also, documentation with this framework is very readable and easy to maintain. So, you can hire a Laravel developer to add new features to your website without a hassle.
  • Encourages Collaboration with Database Migration: Time is of the essence. And applying changes to a database across different environments is a highly cumbersome process. With Laravel, however, multiple developers can save time by working on different database segments simultaneously instead of recreating them.

    Laravel’s database migration supports version control, so your development team can keep track of long-term changes. This feature will help your business save time, improve collaboration, and reduce the risks of creating bugs in your web application.
  • Open-Source Means Zero Cost: There’s nothing smart CTOs love more than the word “open-source software” or OSS. Fortunately, you can use Laravel to develop your server-side web applications without paying a cent. So, rather than incurring more development costs by paying for expensive software, you can focus on hiring the best Laravel developers from our website and building world-class applications instead.
  • Increased Flexibility: Laravel uses the Blade template engine, which provides many advantages over other templates. It permits developers to write PHP code in views, adding more flexibility to your application development process. However, unlike PHP, it is structured to eliminate repetitions and produce cleaner syntax.

    Using Blade, developers can define sections and apply template inheritance. It also makes it easy to work with different PHP loop structures and escape variables using shortcuts.
  • Easier Development with Object-Oriented Libraries: If you were to ask any Laravel developer their favorite feature of the framework, most would mention its countless built-in libraries.

    You’d definitely prefer your team to focus on more advanced functionalities instead of routine tasks like email verification and password resets. Well, Laravel provides the required amount of abstraction to make that possible.
  • Faster Deployment Time: In a competitive market, speed is the name of the game. And Laravel is an excellent option for startups who intend to ship their products quickly. Laravel allows you to make frequent changes without much downtime, making it ideal for thriving in today’s business environment.
  • Straightforward Database Manipulation:  Eloquent ORM is Laravel’s Object Relational Mapper that allows developers to interact easily with database objects. With Eloquent, programmers can perform tasks such as querying databases, creating new entries, or deleting data without damaging the elegance of the application’s syntax.

Roles and Responsibilities of a Laravel Developer

What should you expect when you hire Laravel engineers as part of your software development team? It depends on your company's size and the type of product you’re trying to ship. However, most roles share similar day-to-day responsibilities. Here are some of the expectations you should have from your Laravel team or developer.

  • Design web applications with Laravel: A Laravel developer’s primary task is to create web applications that use the Laravel framework. Usually, they work as part of a software team that includes front-end engineers, back-end engineers, UX designers, and project managers. They’re definitely worth their weight in paycheck because they write efficient, high-performance, server-side code to handle client inputs.
  • Functionality Testing: Functionality testing is one of the most critical responsibilities of Laravel developers. There’s only one way to be sure that customers who use your application will receive the best service – by testing every feature yourself.

    Laravel developers perform various types of functionality tests, including Unit, Interface, and Integration testing, to determine if your application meets user requirements by delivering an expected output.

    For example, developers may test if a “Create an Account” feature adds all the newly entered credentials to a database or if the “Edit” function works properly.
  • Troubleshooting and Debugging Errors Post-Deployment: Unfortunately, not all errors may be spotted during the pre-launch phases of development for your web application. In many cases, bugs may be discovered after deployment.

    Fortunately, Laravel developers are expected to respond and fix any newly discovered errors that are associated with the server side of your web application.
  • Preparing Documentation: Documentation is another extensive responsibility for Laravel developers. They frequently log and update any changes to the source code that make up an application’s architecture.

    Where necessary, they also add markups containing essential details that may be required for other developers to understand the logic of their code in case someone else has to make changes to it in the future.
  • Making Presentations to Stakeholders: Laravel developers spend much of their time in virtual and physical meetings with you and other business stakeholders. A critical part of their job is to understand various business problems and propose possible solutions for implementation.
    Most times, these developers will present you with detailed reports on the functionality and performance of the backend components of the web application. They will also outline any anticipated technical difficulties to the project management team to enable them to modify the work progress schedule.
  • Maintenance of Code: Web development is constantly evolving, and the standard for best practices is constantly changing. When you hire Laravel developers, they must stay informed on the latest trends to deliver improved performance and security.

    They should also be able to implement these changes quickly without compromising the user experience of your application. This includes refactoring code to incorporate better-quality syntax, dealing with broken APIs, and adding new functionalities.
  • Working with Databases: At some point in the pre or post-launch cycle, your Laravel development team will work with SQL databases. They will use Eloquent ORM, frequent query builder, or raw SQL to establish connections and interact with any of the framework’s supported databases, including MySQL, Postgres SQL, SQLite, SQL Server, and Maria DB.
Sure, all of this sounds like a ton of work, but that’s why Terminal.io offers you only the most talented Laravel developers for hire.

What skills should a Laravel developer have?

Leading businesses hire the best; others make do with the rest. But how can you hire top Laravel developers for your company? What skills should be on your radar? We can tell you that the most exceptional talents possess a great mix of soft and hard skills that enable them to adapt to any business environment and offer efficient solutions.

Before you send that employment letter, here are some skills to look out for to be sure you’re making the right choice as you look to hire a Laravel developer.

  • Proficiency with PHP: Skilled Laravel developers must first have a solid background working with PHP, including older iterations of the language. They must understand basic concepts in PHP, such as API management, error handling, object-oriented programming (OOP), and variables and operators.
  • Experience Working with the MVC Architecture: As Laravel works with the MVC architecture, developers seeking job roles must have several years of practical experience using this framework.
  • Ability to Use SQL Databases: Working on the backend of a web application demands frequent interaction with databases. The best Laravel developers can query, insert, delete, and perform other necessary commands on various SQL databases.
  • Familiarity with Version Control: As your company expands and continues to comply with the latest best practices in web development, your software development team will need to track and make changes to their software. This is why you need to hire Laravel developers who are proficient in using popular version control technologies such as Git, GitLab, or Mercurial.
  • Sufficient Knowledge of Frontend Technologies: Although Laravel engineers do most of their coding using the framework, they still need to understand and work with client-side technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

    They must demonstrate adequate knowledge of CSS and its impact on design, the fundamentals of HTML for website building, and how to use JavaScript to create interactive user interfaces.
  • Problem-solving and Critical Thinking: While it is great to know how to code, frameworks and languages are only as valuable as the programmer’s ability to solve problems. The best Laravel developers understand how to apply the various features of the framework to proffer solutions to your business problems.
  • Strong Interpersonal Communication: Whether they’re writing documentation, reporting to project managers, or making presentations to executives at a meeting, Laravel developers will constantly need to share their ideas clearly and concisely.

    You cannot ignore the need for strong interpersonal communication skills as you hire Laravel engineers. Information exchange is critical to creating and maintaining an excellent workflow between your web development team and other parts of your organization.

For more FAQs on hiring Laravel developers, visit our FAQs page

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