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Terminal Launches Instant Access to Vetted Software Developers

Greg Vilines

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It’s no secret that sourcing great engineering talent is challenging.  When we at Terminal talk to engineering and talent leaders about their hiring challenges, we repeatedly hear key themes:

  • Hiring takes too long. When an important role is opened, you want it filled immediately, not months down the road.
  • Recruiting agencies or sourcing marketplaces are too slow or waste time upfront. When working with outside recruiting partners, there are lots of hoops to jump through just to know if their talent works for you.
  • Quickly differentiating candidates is hard. Parsing resumés, LinkedIn profiles, and GitHub profiles takes work.
  • Budgets are tight. In today’s economy, budgets are under more pressure than ever.
  • Internal teams are hurting. Talent acquisition and HR teams have been heavily impacted by layoffs.

As the global leader in hiring full-time talent, we’ve listened closely to these challenges.  Today, we’re excited to announce new tools to tackle these issues head on.

Announcing Free, Instant Access to Terminal’s Vetted Software Developers

Building on the launch of our smarter talent platform from 2022, Terminal is proud to announce free, instant access to our deep pool of global, vetted software developers.

Our goal with this launch:  dramatically increase hiring velocity for tech organizations by providing engineering and recruiting leaders instant access to top tier talent looking for their next role.

How are we solving this for fast-moving companies?

Read on for more details, or go ahead and get started for free!

Instant Access to Candidates for Core Roles 

We’re opening up free, instant access to browse candidates with common skills and technology stacks directly in our talent platform.  These top-tier developers have already been screened by Terminal for their skills, experience, English proficiency, and remote readiness.  Best of all, they’re in-market and ready to start interviewing immediately. 

Get started in just 5 minutes:

  • Share basic information about your company and the roles you’re hiring for
  • Create an account where you and your teammates can collaborate
  • Start browsing candidates that fit your needs!
Browse active candidates instantly with Terminal

Have a more selective talent search?  Our platform will connect you to our talent experts who can better understand your hiring needs and set up a sourcing strategy to quickly fill your pipeline.

Candidate Highlights, Expert Assessments and Video Interview Clips

We’ve also launched features to help quickly understand if a candidate is a fit for your needs.  Less wading through resumes and online profiles and portfolios!

Powered by our smart talent platform and talent experts, our candidate highlights summarize the most compelling nuggets from a candidate’s experience.  We’ll showcase the most important in a candidate’s profile like:

  • Key companies or startups worked for
  • Experience launching products from zero to one
  • Engineering leadership experience
  • Degrees in computer science or engineering
  • Primary skills and frameworks, and more!
Candidate highlights make review a breeze

Each candidate receives a Terminal screen, expert assessment, and review.  We also share video clips from our Terminal screens with each candidate so you can observe their communication skills and personality in action.

Video interview clips
Video interviews clips for every candidate

Employment through Terminal or EOR of your choice

Terminal offers comprehensive global employment options through our Remote Management Platform.  We offer payroll, benefits, and HR support for full-time hires in all the countries where we operate.  Our in-country experts will help your team navigate the complexities of global employment so you can focus on building your company.

At the same time, we recognize that there are more opportunities to employ globally than ever before.  If you already have a business entity or established relationships with an employer of record (EOR) or professional employment organization (PEO), you can now use the service of your choice to employ talent you find through Terminal’s Talent Platform.

Coming Soon:  Smart Alerts, Salary Transparency and ATS Integrations

We’ve asked and you’ve answered.  Hiring Managers and Talent Acquisition leaders have told us to make the process of global hiring faster with more transparency. As a result, we’ll soon introduce:

  • Smart alerts that monitor all in-market candidates and alert you when candidates best fit your criteria through intelligent matching.
  • Candidate salary and cost to hire transparency so you can understand a candidate’s salary requirements and how they compare to hiring domestically or in other markets.
  • ATS integrations to ensure your team can work where they want to work.  We’re aiming to improve candidate discovery, job description creation, scheduling and interview feedback by connecting to popular ATS’s.

A Smarter Global Talent Platform Built for You

Terminal is committed to creating the smarter global talent platform for hiring developers.  All our investments, including the recent launch of Romania to expand to 9 countries where we hire, aim to ensure engineering and talent teams can hire as quickly and seamlessly as possible.  We’re continually investing in our talent solutions to help you achieve your hiring goals in innovative new ways.

Have roles you need to fill?  Get started for free and find the development talent you need today.  

Have custom hiring needs or have feedback for us?  Get in touch!

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Hiring + recruiting | Blog Post

Unveiling the smarter, global talent platform for hiring engineers