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Now’s the time to lean into global talent markets—here’s what eng leaders say works

In the face of local talent shortages, companies are realizing the potential of global talent markets to overcome hiring competition and build elite engineering teams. Silicon-Valley-caliber tech talent is everywhere—in fact, US Big Tech companies are already employing almost 50% of their engineers in global markets. Teams that embrace a global hiring model are poised to get ahead—which is why it’s more critical than ever to adopt best practices for hiring remote.


Terminal's eBook: 6 ways to hire global talent the right way

  • Why fast-growing orgs are going beyond US borders—and how to start
  • How to harness distributed work to go where talent lives today
  • Why engineers say flexible work options are key to attracting talent
  • Tips to craft comp & benefits packages that win in today’s market
  • When hiring and recruitment requires a remote approach
  • How choosing the right hiring partners can support your team’s growth
Download Terminal's eBook: 6 ways to hire global talent the right way

If you want to start a company and you want to build a great team – a truly great, differentiated team – the only way to do it is by being remote, because you have a local capacity constraint in whatever community you’re in today, and there’s no way the best people in the world for all the different roles you need live within 10 miles of you.

— Andrew Dudum, Co-Founder + CEO, Hims & Hers
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Hiring + recruiting | Guide

The State of Remote Engineering – 2022 Edition

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