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Engineering leadership | Guide

Engineers are the employees most likely to quit

Engineers are poached more than any other type of talent, and there’s also a big shortage of great candidates in the talent market. While engineers jump jobs for many reasons - poor managers, limited L&D opportunities, and uncompetitive salaries - these factors are often avoidable from the start.


Demystify what retains engineers

Any company hoping to succeed at retaining remote employees needs to intentionally implement programs aimed at preventing engineer churn. Our latest Engineer Retention Playbook is packed with tactics from leading remote work experts to help you catalyze a work environment that becomes your competitive advantage with talent.

In this guide you'll learn:
  • Ways managers can help (or harm!) retention, and what to look out for
  • How successful D&I programs are reflected through retention metrics
  • Design tips for onboarding programs that make positive first impressions
  • Steps for building a remote culture that’s too good to leave
  • Tools to help engineers love their work and connect with purpose
  • Using the 70-20-10 rule in your Learning & Development programs
Download Terminal’s Engineer Retention Playbook and bring research-backed practices to retaining remote engineers.

First impressions matter. 20% of employee turnover happens within the first 90 days, and organizations with strong onboarding processes improve new hire retention by 82%.

Recommended reading

Engineering leadership | Blog Post

Engineering Resilience: Build Strong Development Teams to Do More With Less

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