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Talent markets | Guide

Many of the world’s best engineers are in Latin America. You should be hiring there too.

Country-wide engineering talent shortages and inflated salaries are making the US an impossible environment for building tech teams with local talent. And in today’s remote work era - there’s no reason to. Latin America is officially one of the hottest regions for fast-growth companies hiring remote engineering teams, with vibrant tech hubs and unicorn startups all over.


Find out which cities are leading the tech talent race

Our Insider’s Guide to LatAm’s Top Engineering Talent Markets unpacks the continent’s top 7 cities for scaling remote engineering teams, and how to approach talent in each market.

In this guide you'll learn:
  • A bird’s-eye view on Latin America’s tech ecosystem boom
  • Market deep dives into the top 7 LatAm cities for hiring elite engineers
  • Inside advice on how to hire in each engineering market
  • Key growth metrics to consider such as the presence of startups, VCs, and accelerator programs
  • Local talent intelligence to help you narrow in on which market is your best match
Download Terminal’s Insider’s Guide to LatAm’s Top Engineering Talent Markets and bring research-backed practices to retaining remote engineers.

Latin America is home to 1.3+ Million software engineers and technical professionals, with more than 20,000 new engineers entering the workforce annually — that’s 28% more growth compared to the US.

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