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How to Hire UX Engineers

Wes Mitchell-Lewis

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User experience engineers are absolutely necessary if you want your site or app to be as user-friendly as possible. So, if your company is looking for an amazing user experience engineer, you are on the right track. But how do you hire UX engineers that are a good fit for your company? Let’s dig in! 

To hire an incredible UX engineer, you should ensure you establish what you need and your budget before you even begin hunting for candidates. You should also understand what applicants can offer and how to ask the right interview questions to find the perfect fit for your team. 

In this article, we are going to find out exactly what a great UX design engineer can do for your site or app, as well as offer a step-by-step guide on how to hire the right one for your team. Read on for all the information you need to hire a UX engineer!

What Is a UX Engineer?

A UX engineer, a UX designer, or a user experience design engineer as they are sometimes known, focuses on how your app or website will be seen and used by your customers or users. 

They have several key responsibilities, including but not limited to:

  • Tracking User Behavior
  • Researching the Market & Your Consumer
  • Assessing the Target Audience
  • Prototyping and Wireframing
  • Using A/B Testing
  • Creating Navigation & User Surveys
  • Designing a User-Friendly Program 

You should also understand the difference between hiring a UI engineer and a UX engineer, as they have different skill sets and provide different services. 

While UI designers have a different list of main responsibilities, UX engineers need to also understand the user interface and work closely with a UI engineer to produce the best possible program. 

However, knowing what UX engineers can offer is just the first step in hiring the right applicant. The next thing you need to know is what to look for in the perfect UX engineer! 

What To Look For In a Great UX Engineer

So, how do you know that a UX engineer candidate is going to be a great employee? Well, there are a few things that you should look out for on their application. 

  1. They are vetted and come with great references. 
  2. They have experience in your industry. While this isn’t necessarily a requirement, it could help you short-list applicants. 
  3. They excel at collecting data. This is a vital quality as it is an extremely important part of the job. 
  4. Candidates should be able to perform A/B testing at a high level. 
  5. If your team works with a specific programming language or analysis tools, you should check their familiarity and overall skill level.  
  6. Make sure they have soft skills as well as technical skills, as they will be working with your team day in and day out to create the perfect site or app. 

If you’re ready to take the next step in providing a stellar experience for your users,  we have a step-by-step guide right here to hire the perfect UX designer.

Step-By-Step Guide To Hiring a UX Engineer

  1. Set your budget and expectations: The first step in the process actually happens before you even start looking to hire a UX engineer. You need to set how much you want to spend, and what you expect the designer to be able to do. 
  2. Figure out what kind of UX design engineer you need: There are a variety of different types of engineers, including mobile UX designers and big data UX designers; therefore, you should understand the difference and what you and your team needs. 
  3. Use the right platform to find potential candidates: Once you complete steps 1 and 2, it’s time to start finding candidates. While there are plenty of platforms to choose from, whether you are looking for contract or full-time candidates, platforms such as Terminal ensure the applicants are experienced and vetted in their field. 
  4. Ask the right questions in the interview: The final step in the hiring process occurs once you have selected a UX engineer candidate to interview. You want to be sure that you ask the right questions to truly get to know the candidate and fully understand if they will be the right fit for your project and your team. 

Luckily, we have some amazing interview questions that you should ask before hiring a UX developer. 

Fantastic Interview Questions to Ask a UX Engineer Candidate

The interview is one of, if not the most important parts of the hiring process. It can ensure you get to know your potential future employee and hire the right person for the job the first time around. 

Here are a few fantastic questions you should ask a UX engineer during the interview:

  • Have you used our site/app before? If there is one thing you would change about the UX, what would it be?
  • How is UX design different from visual design?
  • What kinds of user research have you performed in the past?
  • What design tools are you comfortable with? (Figma, Sketch, Balsamiq, etc.)
  • How do you collect user data and perform market research?
  • What is your experience with A/B testing and following data analysis?
  • Do you understand how to use UI prototypes?

With all UX design candidates, you should also ask them to walk you through their portfolio to see what they can provide. 

As well, if you don’t have design experience, you should ensure that someone who does is present in the interview to understand if the candidate is answering the questions accurately.  


At the end of the day, in order to hire a great UX engineer, you need to have a solid selection of candidates to choose from. Although you can find legitimate applicants on social media sites, job platforms such as Glassdoor and Indeed, or freelance sites such as UpWork, here at Terminal, we have the largest collection of vetted and experienced UX designers that will be a great addition to your team. 

Continue to explore the rest of Terminal’s content offerings. If you are interested in learning more about how Terminal can support your organization and accomplish your development goals, please get in touch with our team!

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